For a written introduction to launching Avare (pronounced ə-ˈver – sounds like “ahvair” – think “aware” with a V), please begin with the Help feature included in the Avare app (tap the Map tab, then the Menu button above it). If a picture is worth 1,000 words a video might be even better, so many users prefer our Apps4Av YouTube Channel. If you like to save time by skimming a summary of the most common questions people have about Avare, check out our FAQ page. For more Help and info on the latest features, or to help us and other users by sharing your tips and tricks or questions and requests please visit our Forum. Note that all of our apps have been thoroughly tested and are used routinely on a vast array of devices, so if you should encounter any problems please read Help and see the Troubleshooting section on this page and then contact us on our Forum so that everyone can benefit from your experience.
- Be sure you have Registered your copy of Avare, and agreed to the required Permissions. If you get an error during the Downloads, your Permissions may not all be allowed for Avare to access your device. If in doubt, open the Settings on your Device and select the Apps or Applications section, find and tap on the Avare app line, tap the Permissions line, and make sure none are turned off.
- No charts or airport data can be displayed until you have used the Download feature (data connection required) to retrieve the Databases and the other free materials you will be using. Choosing only what you need saves you time and allows us to keep Avare free by reducing the load on our servers. To begin, press the Map tab, then the Menu, then press Download and select any materials you want from each category. Tap the Get button to begin installing your selected materials. Later you can just tap the Update button to refresh all your selected charts and materials.
Among the few problems reported with Avare or any of our apps, in addition to the two items noted above, three main categories have emerged:
- Incomplete installation. Most of these problems have been related to internet connectivity problems during installation of the app, such as during download of the Database or charts for Avare. If you have problems with any of our apps, you might first try checking your internet connection and then deleting and re-installing the file(s) or the app itself.
- Hardware problems. Nearly all of these few cases have been traced to defective SD card chips. These problems can be very difficult to trace because they may occur randomly, intermittently, and with very strange symptoms. If you encounter problems, one thing to try is testing, formatting, or replacing the memory chip if possible. Sometimes deleting and re-installing the app and all associated files will cure or change the problem at least temporarily if it shifts the location where the app and files are stored on the chip. You might be able to work around the problem by moving the app and files to a different chip (e.g. from device memory to SD card or vice versa). Note that Android’s support of SD cards varies with each Android version and device, so you may want to avoid SD and simply keep Avare and all its files in the main device memory. Generally the permanent solution for a defective memory chip is to replace the chip.
- Software conflicts. Another category of weird and intermittent problems arises from conflicts with other apps. Unlike nearly all apps currently available for Android, our apps strictly follow Android developer guidelines and use only the bare minimum of Permissions required for operation. Apps you have installed from other developers may use Permissions that enable them to automatically launch their app, keep it active, display ads, collect and use your personal information or do other operations in the background even when you’re not using their app. Such activity by those apps can cause strange and intermittent problems with other apps. Usually, the apps that come pre-installed on your device won’t cause such problems. Something to try if you have problems with any of our apps is to close all other apps with Android’s Task Manager, or disable (or even uninstall) other apps (Android Settings/Apps) on your device. You might also try a virus scanner from a reputable provider, keeping in mind that some anti-virus apps from disreputable providers have themselves been used to install a virus.
If you’re unable to easily solve a problem or have questions, please visit our Forum.
Avare Quick Intro NOTE: Because of continuing and sometimes rapid development and changes in Avare, parts of the following intro may be outdated so always use Avare’s in-app Help function and our Forum for the latest info.
•Text information is displayed around the margins of the “Map” display screen.
When your GPS position is acquired and you have input a valid Destination this text can provide information including: your GPS ground speed; Distance and estimated Time from current GPS location to Destination at current GPS ground speed and heading; GPS bearing to Destination; GPS altitude; and GPS Heading of your current ground track.
[caption id=”attachment_69709” align=”aligncenter” width=”640”] Map view before flight w/Draw note on R.Traffic flag for IZA (v7.6.8 on SM-T350)[/caption]
•A solid line indicates the direct Track To Destination from your current GPS location when a Destination is selected. A dashed black and white line indicates the current GPS direct heading to your selected Destination. A red dashed line indicates your current GPS ground track.
In flight the “aircraft” Location icon orientation and red dashed line will indicate the current GPS heading. A solid line indicates the direct track to the Destination from your location at the time when the Destination was selected. To update the track line from a new location, simply re-select the Destination using the Find tab.
•To get the Distance to and from any point from your current location, long-press any point on the chart with GPS acquired. There is a scrollable list with much more information provided too, depending upon the Map point you choose to long-press and what weather and other info you’ve downloaded before flight or acquired with ADS-B In.
NOTE: On small screens the Menu bar across the bottom may not show all the tabs available, especially when Avare is set to Portrait mode. Just drag the bar sideways and you’ll see any extra available buttons. A thin scroll bar below the tabs, will indicate what portion of the tab bar you are viewing. The items displayed at the top can be changed by double-tapping on any item or empty space in the top bar if Dynamic Fields are enabled in Preferences.
•TFRs can be downloaded from the internet or acquired from an external ADS-B In receiver and automatically displayed on the Map view in Avare. Press the Menu button, the Download button in the list that pops out, and then the Databases button. Tap the TFRs line to select it so Avare can Get and display all current TFRs from the FAA (note that you’ll need to Get them again any time you’d like to get the latest, but once fetched they will still be displayed for the period of time set in Preferences even with your device offline). Weather text can also be fetched and displayed in a similar manner. Graphical and text ADS-B traffic and weather can also be added if you have a compatible receiver.
For more Help and info on many more useful functions and the latest features please see our YouTube Channel, or to help us and other users by sharing your tips and tricks or questions and requests please visit our Forum.
_To view an HTML (web page code format) file of the current “offline” Help file built into Avare, visit this source document page. The most convenient way to view the file is to copy the entire page, and paste it into a text document (use a plain text editor like Notepad or TextEdit, or use “SaveAs Text” in a word processor). If you name that file with a .html extension (e.g. AvareHelp.html), it will open in any web browser on any computer or Android device so that you can conveniently read it offline or print it. Note that this source document is the actual Help page built into Avare, so the easiest way to view it on any Android device is usually to simply use the Help feature in Avare.
To download a printable PDF version of an old “offline” Help file (about 3MB) that was created 2/20/2016 as described above from version 7.1.7 of Avare, click this link: Avare717offlineHelp.pdf